12 de junho de 2008

Oh, tagged in english!

Here comes my answers to Dame Gourou...

"What were you doing 10 years ago ? " - I was volonteer in the World Cup. You know, the only time France win. Hi, hi, hi, hi...

"What are the 5 things on your to do list today ? " - Hum... Go shopping for saturday, call my nephew cause it's his birthday, prepare an interview for a job, send more CVs and answer those tags...

"3 snacks you enjoy ? " - pastel de queijo (from Brazil, I don't know if they are the same in Portugal) when you come back from a crasy dancing night, but unfortunately, I haven't eat that for a long time... french saucisson with bread, coxinha de galinha (from Brazil too)

"4 places you have lived ? " - Sagarana (Brazil), Montpellier (South of France), Barao Geraldo (Brazil), Dublin (Ireland), and now Paris

"5 things you would do if you were a billionaire ? " - I really don't know... By a flat in Paris, take hollidays in Brazil, help my family and friends who need, and continue enjoying the life, without thinking in all that money.

"6 people you want to know more about ? " I always want to know more about all the people I meet. And particularly my friends. We never really know one another.

Um comentário:

ELO °° disse...

Obrigada cara comadre !!!